Level 2 Food Safety Training Course – Isle of Wight, 21 February 2017

We are pleased to be holding a Level 2 Food Safety Training Course on the  Isle of Wight, on Tuesday 7 February 2017.

This is an open course, which will be held in our training room in Cowes, Isle of Wight.

This is a one day open course – so others may join if you wish to book a place.

The course will run from 8.45am through to 5.30pm (approx) and include a 60 minute, 30 multiple choice questions examination, held under examination conditions.

The Level 2 Food Safety Training Course is an accredited training course, which provides a high standard of training and learner success.

Telphone: 01983 21 61 51 or 07889 182 762

Or alternatively please complete and submit the following form:

Contact - Food Safety & HACCP Training

We would love to hear from you. If you would like to know more about the food safety courses we are able to offer then please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

  • Please state your job role/title within the business.
  • Please provide your invoice address - on booking a course the invoice will be issued to this address. Payment is required on booking, unless credit terms are agreed.
  • The address the invoice will be issued to
  • Ideally when would you like the requested training to be completed (subject to availability).
  • Standard turnaround for course bookings is 21 days. Express turnaround can be agreed upon request (additional charges apply)
  • Expected number of candidates for the selected training courses. The size of the training room dictates the number of candidates that can be trained in any one training course session.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.